Now is the time for action! We are experiencing the greatest transfer of real estat wealth of our generation!

Mark YOUR Calenders right now:


Saturday morning February 27th from 9 to 11 am I will be addressing the top three questions I continue to get asked :

1. How can I finance investment real estate – I will give you information on 3 ways you can finance.

2. What areas of the Richmond market are the best to invest today? I will share my most recent experiences in a variety of areas

3. How can I get my houses sold?

I will address all three of these topics and we will have some good old fashioned networking over bagels and coffee. I hope you can join me. This event is FREE of charge, but you can donate toward bagels and coffee to help us out.

I have a couple of different locations that will work, but need to get a feel for the number of people interested in this event… SO if you can join me I REALLY need to Know right away because space will be a limited.

To Reserve your space: Leave a comment at this blog that you will be joining us or Just send me an email direct : and simply tell me you will attend!

You wont want to miss this event as we unravel the mysteries of how to get your deals financed, review the specifics of the Richmond market and tackle the solutions to getting your houses sold for an instant profit!

This will be a great time of investor networking and you can NOT beat the price — FREE. Come ready to have fun! Come ready to network! Come ready to learn how to capitalize in this market by INVESTING NOW!

Jim Ingersoll